Prairie Coteau Watershed Improvement & Protection Project

Lake and Stream Ecology

Field Trips

This program is open to public, private, and home schooled 6th to 12th grade students located in northeast South Dakota.  These are one-day field trips, typically beginning at 9-9:30 am in the morning and ending around 2:30 pm. Students, teachers, and chaperones must bring their own sack lunches.  Alternate dates will be chosen in case of  inclement weather.


Lake ecology field trips will be held at Enemy Swim Lake on the campus of the NeSoDak Environmental Learning Center during the month of September.  Students will learn about lake ecology including basic water quality testing, lake habitats, and aquatic invertebrates.  Students may also get a chance to learn  basic kayaking and sport fishing skills depending on weather and water conditions.  Groups should be limited to no more than 25 students.


Stream ecology field trips can be held at Hartford Beach State Park or at the Abbey Grasslands Camp near Marvin, SD during  the month of May.  Students will learn basic stream ecology principles, collect aquatic invertebrates and fish for identification, and water quality testing techniques.  These field trips are limited to smaller groups of 12 to 15 students.



Contact the Project Coordinator for more information at;